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tag-2 . ape bnde tuu ??


Apo kabo?? hehe ..
haaa , nonie nk kasi tau ape bnda ny tag-2 tuu..
btw , nonie nk bgttau thnx to AimiAlfian yg sweet ni sbb tag nonie..
first-2 nonie tak phm sepatah haram pun mcm mne nk buat , tp lps dok bw bbrpa blog bru nonie fhm..

:82:RULES ::82:

1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about
have tagged 11 people

:82:~11 perkara tenteng nonie:::82:
:84: call me nonie erk.. :)
:84: home town kat sarawak
:84: 4 org beradik (sulong)
:84: kedekot kalau org mnta , tp , klau nonie sndri nk kasi x jd kdkt ny .
:84: suka gne lens nk sroh jd BIG EYES
:84: SPM candicate (taun dpn)
:84: ska bwat bnda len dr yg len
:84: ska ktwa besa-2 . like devil.. HAHAHA .
:84: ska berkawan . *nonie x mkn org pun..

~soal selidik dr AimiAlfian

1- ape ssbuah relationshp tu utk korang? xkesah lah friendship or special frienship
:65:   utk mengerat kan lg hubungan dlm bkwn *friendship

2- ape pndpt korang ttg llki yg mngs sbb ssorg pompuan
:65:   sbb dia trlalu syg kan pompuan tu dna may b pompuan tu adalah yg tbaik utk die.

3- bnda yg pling pelik yg korg pnh buat
:65:   tengok lubng hidong org . :D

4- hari or tarikh yg plg istimewa dlm idop korg slain bday
:65:  mnggu last skolah koz tyme , tyme tuu , kalau harimau masok pun ckgu x kesah. :D

5- org-2 tpnting dlm idop korng yg korg x snggp idop tnpa dyorg
:65:   fmly nonie lha.. tnpa dyorg komfem nonie tak idop bgs mcm nie.. 

6- cm ne kte nk bgtau kat crush kite yg kite jatuh cinta kat die
:65:   tak kan nk kejar kot.. nanti x kne lyn . mluu !! bia die tau sndiri..

7- pndngn korg ttg pompuan yg 'perigi cari timba'
:65:   nk show of kot.. yg die ade boyfie..

8- pe yg sweet sngt smpy korg x leh lupe
:65:   ntah lha . hehe . mls nk ingt balek..

9- llki ya comel but bjet HOT , nk buat pe dgn dia
:65:   kte kikis !! HAHA . jgn lha wey . buat lha mcm biasa.

10- jenama bju yg korg slu beli
:65:   bju yg murah tp style *tu bknny ny jnma.. hehe

11- jenama seluar yg korg selesa pkai
:65:   levis lha.. hoho

:82:soalan free dr nonie :82:

1-slalu msok rumah ape yg korg buat dlu ?
2- korea , english , bm , lgu mne yg korg ska. knpa?
3- prkara yg plg lawak dlm hdp korg.
4- bfday prezen yg pling sweet pnh korg trma . dr ?
5- prkara lucu tyme korg tngh date..
6- llki gna kaler pink? ape pndpt korg?
7- llki/pompuan lbh bnyk kwn yg belainan jntina. betol? knpa?
8- bngn pg korg truz buat ape?
9- pompuan more sensitive dr llki sbb??
10- jnama henfon yg plg cnggh korang ada . 
11- love blogging ? knpa?


:65: Liya
:65: Tyyra Lambert
:65: hunnym syot
:65: ::aPit::
:65: ash ekin
:65: aen
:65: susan
:65:  mirali 
:65: mieyra
:65: Daya the sixth
:65: minah pinky

LIKE banyak-2

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